Dual Enrollment
Applicants Checklist
Application Deadlines
The completed application and all supporting documents must be on file in the Office
of Admissions by the dates listed below. However, early application is strongly recommended.
Terms |
Final Deadline |
Spring |
December 1 |
Fall |
September 1 |
Requirements for Enrollment
- High school junior or senior in good judicial standing.
- Minimum cumulative unweighted grade point average of 2.75/4.0.
- Students interested in enrolling in Biology courses should have successfully completed
one-year of high school biology with a grade of C or better.
- Students interested in enrolling in English or Spanish should have successfully completed
at least two-years of English and/or Spanish with a grade of C or better.
- Participate in a mandatory orientation.
Eligibility for Continued Enrollment
If currently enrolled in CSU's Dual Enrollment program and wish to return for another semester,
you must:
- Meet the minimum dual enrollment admissions criteria. A student must successfully complete the term earning a grade of C or better in all
coursework to be eligible for continued enrollment. A term or cumulative grade point
average that falls below a 2.0 may result in dismissal from the program.
- Schedule an appointment with the CSU Dual Enrollment Coordinator, Dr. Carolyn Wadlington.
Guidelines for Registering for Classes
- Students approved to participate in the Dual Enrollment Program will work closely
with the Office of Academic Support (OAS). OAS will ensure appropriate course selection
and will guide students through the registration and start of term process.
- Students are permitted to only enroll in courses approved by the university for the
dual enrollment program.
Any exceptions will require the written consent of the Provost and Senior Vice-President
for Academic and Student Affairs.
Course Load
- If accepted, a student may enroll in a maximum of two (2) courses or up to six-semester
hours each term and may complete a total of thirty-six (36) semester hours over a
two-year period (fall/spring/summer).
- Students may withdraw from a course within the designated time frame with the approval
of the high school counselor/school designee and the Coordinator for Student Success.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
During the semester in which a high school student is enrolled at Chicago State University,
he or she will be held to the same rules as Chicago State University students including,
but not limited to, academic standards and progress and academic integrity. Please
see the Student Handbook and Undergraduate Catalog for details.
Tuition and Fees
- The tuition for dual-enrollment is $150 per credit hour.
- The state/school district will be billed by the University.
- If the state or school district is not responsible for the charges, the balance will
be billed to the parent or guardian.
- Dual enrolled students do not qualify for financial aid.
- CSU has been approved by Chicago Public Schools (CPS) for CPS School Quality Rating
Policy (SQRP).
CSU will identify peer coaches within each course and we embed tutors within courses
where high school students are enrolled. Tutoring will be available before or after
class and then other times by appointment. All students will be monitored through
our Office of Academic Support to track attendance and monitor progress.
Contact for more information:
Carolyn C. Wadlington, EdD
Dual Enrollment Coordinator
Student Union Rm 154
Email: cwadli20@waki-aiai.net
Phone: (773) 995-3921